Framers Shouldas Had'em: Guns R 4 Killing Americans!
(too old to reply)
2021-04-24 03:34:58 UTC
On Fri, 23 Apr 2021 16:33:10 -0000 (UTC), "slate_leeper"
Without mah gun, how'm I gonna shoot you?
The world is full of sharp and pointy things.

And guns are 700+ year old tech. Even those
shithole countries can make them - and export.

Oh, and nukes are 80 year old tech, I wonder how
many your buddies in Iran have now ?

But I guess you plan to dance in the fallout ....
2021-04-27 04:52:52 UTC
Post by aRobot
On Fri, 23 Apr 2021 16:33:10 -0000 (UTC), "slate_leeper"
Without mah gun, how'm I gonna shoot you?
The world is full of sharp and pointy things.
And guns are 700+ year old tech. Even those
shithole countries can make them - and export.
Oh, and nukes are 80 year old tech, I wonder how
many your buddies in Iran have now ?
But I guess you plan to dance in the fallout ....
If the Framers has phasors they'd have put them
into the 2nd Amendment too.

The whole ideas is a sort of Balance Of Terror
between the almighty State and the citizenry.
It HAS to be just too much trouble to oppress
the citizens - otherwise, well, you get Myanmar.
