"Why Internal Combustion Engines Are Here to Stay"
(too old to reply)
Keema's Nan
2020-12-07 19:04:04 UTC
Coal fired cars are the future according to President Trump because
electricity is for greenies and oil comes from Muslim sand niggers who are
his friends and funds rightwing religious terrorism against Americans.
Britain’s first all-electric car charging forecourt is set to open for
business in Braintree,Essex (https://www.theguardian.com/uk/essex), to charge
electric vehicles with 100% renewable energy.

From Monday, the super-fast electric forecourt will deliver 350kW of charging
power – enough to add 200 miles of driving range in 20 minutes – to up to
36 cars at a time.

It will use clean energy sourced from one of the UK’s first subsidy-free
solar farms at Clayhill in Bedfordshire, overhead solar canopies, and a
battery capable of storing enough energy to drive 24,000 miles.

It is the first of more than 100 electric forecourts that Gridserve, a clean
energy company, plans to roll out across the country over the next five years
as part of a billion-pound “sun-to-wheel” infrastructure.

Toddington Harper, Gridserve’s founder and chief executive, said he hoped
to update the traditional petrol station model for a net zero carbon world by
offering drivers the confidence to replace their fossil fuel car withan
electric alternative (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/electric-cars).

“Charging has to besimple and free of anxiety
trust-in-electric-car-charging),” he said.

The forecourts will offer super-fast wifi, and stand alongside a range of
“Best of British” shops including WH Smith and Boots as well as Costa
Coffee and the Post Office. Some will offer business meeting pods, a
children’s play centre and a “wellbeing area” with exercise bikes that
generate electricity.

The standard rate for charging up at a Gridserve electric forecourt will be
24p per kilowatt hour of clean electricity, which beats the current lowest
ultra-high power charging rates. This means a typical charge for an average
electric vehicle – from 20% charged to 80% – would cost under £10.

Rachel Maclean, the transport minister, said: “As we accelerate
towardscleaner and greener transport
coronavirus-will-transform-transport-in-britains-cities), I’m delighted to
see the future of service stations being brought to life with the opening of
the UK’s first all-electric forecourt.

“There has never been a better time to make the switch.”

In a separate deal, Gridserve will team up with the finance firm Hitachi
Capital to offer customers electric vehicle leases, which will include the
full cost of charging at a Gridserve electric forecourt.

The UK prime minister, Boris Johnson, said last month that the UK wouldbring
forward its ban on the sale of new fossil fuel vehicles
10-point-green-plan-with-250000-jobs)by a decade to 2030 to hasten the
decarbonisation of its transport sector.

In addition, the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, has promised £950m to
“future-proof” the electricity grid along motorways, so that private
investors can install high-powered charging hubs at every motorway service
area by 2023.
2021-01-15 05:43:51 UTC
Coal fired cars are the future according to President Trump because
electricity is for greenies and oil comes from Muslim sand niggers who are
his friends and funds rightwing religious terrorism against Americans.
Didn't you post this same shit last week ???

Sorry, but liquid fuels are the ONLY way to go with
most automobiles/trucks. The energy density of even
the most advanced batteries SUCK by comparison.
Oh, you can "refuel" your gasoline car in about five
minutes .... check into how long it takes to recharge
an electric ..........

Just Won't Work.

Save CO2 elsewhere. Plenty of opportunities in things
that don't have to roll on down the highway. Subsidize
"solar roofs", step up H2 production using "alternative"
energy - and mix it with natural gas for heating needs.
Amazing amounts of energy go into just heating water
and stuff.

"Mr. Fusion" MIGHT come eventually, but frankly anything
like 1st-world civ. with all those nice perks like not being
old and burned out at age 29, require cheap energy and
high mobility.
2021-05-24 03:02:44 UTC
Coal fired cars are the future according to President Trump because
electricity is for greenies and oil comes from Muslim sand niggers who are
his friends and funds rightwing religious terrorism against Americans.
There used to be coal-fired velocipedes. We could
bring them back. Real retro cyberpunk. The Stanley-II ?

Joe wants more trains ; they ran on coal for a century.
A bit of a lifeline for poor W. Virginia, though most of
their coal is a bit stinky.

Sorry, but Joe's push to force the USA back to foreign
fuel dependency REQUIRES these sorts of approaches.
Electric ? Still WAY behind the necessity curve.

Kamala and the even further left WANT us dependent, so
our "betters" abroad can control the evil horrible USA, keep
us from interfering in their genocides, conquests and jihads.
Oleg Smirnov
2021-05-24 04:54:06 UTC
Post by CheckBox
Sorry, but Joe's push to force the USA back to foreign
fuel dependency REQUIRES these sorts of approaches.
Electric ? Still WAY behind the necessity curve.
Kamala and the even further left WANT us dependent, so
our "betters" abroad can control the evil horrible USA, keep
us from interfering in their genocides, conquests and jihads.
There's no 'we'. 'You've no power to decide anything
even within America. Meanwhile, keeping America from
interfering in the world affairs would be a noble
task, because it's like an unruly mental patient who
needs a straitjacket.
