Rush Limbaugh Says His Lung Cancer Is Terminal, Going In 'Wrong Direction'
(too old to reply)
2020-10-28 14:32:21 UTC
Limbaugh mocked Ted Kennedy for having brain cancer and the time he mocked
Michael J. Fox for having Parkinson's disease.
Here's wishing Rush Limbaugh a slow, painful death.
If that's the kind of thing that gets you through the day and makes you
feel better, then God love ya.
Siri Cruise
2020-10-28 22:00:25 UTC
Limbaugh mocked Ted Kennedy for having brain cancer and the time he mocked
Michael J. Fox for having Parkinson's disease.
Yeah, he's an asshole.
Here's wishing Rush Limbaugh a slow, painful death.
I don't wish death or sufferring on people. Even assholes. I wish
him peace.

Spend a few hours in a nursing home to see and hear slow, painful
death. You'll come away wishing them peace regardless how they
lived, or you'll come away a little less human.
:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
Discordia: not just a religion but also a parody. This post / \
I am an Andrea Doria sockpuppet. insults Islam. Mohammed
2020-10-28 22:02:46 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Limbaugh mocked Ted Kennedy for having brain cancer and the time he mocked
Michael J. Fox for having Parkinson's disease.
Yeah, he's an asshole.
Here's wishing Rush Limbaugh a slow, painful death.
I don't wish death or sufferring on people. Even assholes. I wish
him peace.
Spend a few hours in a nursing home to see and hear slow, painful
death. You'll come away wishing them peace regardless how they
lived, or you'll come away a little less human.
I'll put him on the list...
"The United States is 'rounding the corner' in the coronavirus crisis."
- Donald Trump 9/10/20
"Prosperity is just around the corner." - Herbert Hoover - The New Day
Speech 1928

"I'm not that big of an ego guy." - Donald Trump 10-26-20 (Yeah... and
*I'm* Batman...)

You have to hand it to Jared Kushner... mostly because that's the only
way he's EVER achieved, or accomplished ANYTHING, in his whole life.

Trump: "No, I don't take responsibility at all." - 3/13/20
102620 AR
2021-02-21 06:07:15 UTC
Post by FPP
Post by Siri Cruise
Spend a few hours in a nursing home to see and hear slow, painful
death. You'll come away wishing them peace regardless how they
lived, or you'll come away a little less human.
I'll put him on the list...
"The United States is 'rounding the corner' in the coronavirus crisis."
- Donald Trump 9/10/20
"Prosperity is just around the corner." - Herbert Hoover - The New Day
Speech 1928
"I'm not that big of an ego guy." - Donald Trump 10-26-20 (Yeah... and
*I'm* Batman...)
You have to hand it to Jared Kushner... mostly because that's the only
way he's EVER achieved, or accomplished ANYTHING, in his whole life.
Trump: "No, I don't take responsibility at all." - 3/13/20
102620 AR
2020-10-28 22:02:46 UTC
Limbaugh mocked Ted Kennedy for having brain cancer and the time he mocked
Michael J. Fox for having Parkinson's disease.
Here's wishing Rush Limbaugh a slow, painful death.
Sometimes, bad things happen to bad people. Sometimes funny things
happen too!
"The United States is 'rounding the corner' in the coronavirus crisis."
- Donald Trump 9/10/20
"Prosperity is just around the corner." - Herbert Hoover - The New Day
Speech 1928

"I'm not that big of an ego guy." - Donald Trump 10-26-20 (Yeah... and
*I'm* Batman...)

You have to hand it to Jared Kushner... mostly because that's the only
way he's EVER achieved, or accomplished ANYTHING, in his whole life.

Trump: "No, I don't take responsibility at all." - 3/13/20
102620 AR
2021-03-20 13:25:06 UTC
Post by FPP
Limbaugh mocked Ted Kennedy for having brain cancer and the time he mocked
Michael J. Fox for having Parkinson's disease.
Here's wishing Rush Limbaugh a slow, painful death.
Sometimes, bad things happen to bad people. Sometimes funny things
happen too!
"The United States is 'rounding the corner' in the coronavirus crisis."
- Donald Trump 9/10/20
"Prosperity is just around the corner." - Herbert Hoover - The New Day
Speech 1928
"I'm not that big of an ego guy." - Donald Trump 10-26-20 (Yeah... and
*I'm* Batman...)
You have to hand it to Jared Kushner... mostly because that's the only
way he's EVER achieved, or accomplished ANYTHING, in his whole life.
Trump: "No, I don't take responsibility at all." - 3/13/20
102620 AR