Spineless Snowflake Trump Is Afraid To Respond To Putin's Threats - A Typical Rightist
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2018-03-02 17:15:08 UTC
Putins bravado over Russian nukes is emboldened by Trump, analysts
President Vladimir Putin's assertion Thursday that Russia is testing
a range of new nuclear-powered weaponry reveals a Kremlin that has
become increasingly emboldened by the Trump administration and
skilled at stoking East-West tensions, analysts say.
"It's back to the bad old days of Russia trying to claim its glory
through having weapons of mass destruction," said Jeremy Bash, a
former chief of staff in the Department of Defense and CIA.
Russia hacked our last election, they
are GOING to hack our next one, and Trump
is OK with that.

The best adminstration rubles can buy....
2018-03-02 20:47:30 UTC
Post by Lee
Putins bravado over Russian nukes is emboldened by Trump, analysts
President Vladimir Putin's assertion Thursday that Russia is testing
a range of new nuclear-powered weaponry reveals a Kremlin that has
become increasingly emboldened by the Trump administration and
skilled at stoking East-West tensions, analysts say.
"It's back to the bad old days of Russia trying to claim its glory
through having weapons of mass destruction," said Jeremy Bash, a
former chief of staff in the Department of Defense and CIA.
Russia hacked our last election, they
are GOING to hack our next one, and Trump
is OK with that.
The best adminstration rubles can buy....
While Obama and Democrats try to kill fossil and nuclear power Russia
seems to be suggesting they have embraced it.

A small liquid salt type or the type of nuclear power unit on a
submarine could be useful in a war where weapons might need their own
power unit.

[""""""Using the small modular reactor (SMR) concept, reactors can be
built in factories and shipped to the site already constructed, rather
than being built -- expensively and riskily -- on site. Rather than
engineer and build reactors capable of producing more than 1 gigawatt of
electric power, SMRs can produce 10 megawatts to 6,000 megawatts of
electricity (or heat).""""""""]

I figure that they might get one small enough to send to Mars to power a
small underground living facility. But the Military possibilities are
going to be endless.

"nuclear-powered weaponry" might refer to particle beams that use a
several megawatt nuclear generator on a truck to digitally focus and
target planes and missiles for destruction.

Thanks Obama/Democrats
That's Karma

Remember when Obama said "that's NOT who we are" well *this is* who
Democrats are.....
2018-03-05 16:11:08 UTC
Post by Lee
Putins bravado over Russian nukes is emboldened by Trump, analysts
President Vladimir Putin's assertion Thursday that Russia is
testing >> a range of new nuclear-powered weaponry reveals a Kremlin
that has >> become increasingly emboldened by the Trump
administration and >> skilled at stoking East-West tensions, analysts
Post by Lee
"It's back to the bad old days of Russia trying to claim its glory
through having weapons of mass destruction," said Jeremy Bash, a
former chief of staff in the Department of Defense and CIA.
Russia hacked our last election, they
are GOING to hack our next one, and Trump
is OK with that.
The best adminstration rubles can buy....
While Obama
"Wah wah what about Obama"

How pathetic.
