Famous Pedophile & Beerbelly Militia Guy Says He's Got His Boys Ready To Burn The Suburbs and Kill the Housewives For tRUMP
(too old to reply)
2021-03-07 06:35:39 UTC
Australia has forbidden describing people
as "pedophiles" ... might hurt their feelings,
make them feel "maginalized" ...........
2021-03-07 14:57:33 UTC
Post by 7EN
Australia has forbidden describing people
as "pedophiles" ... might hurt their feelings,
make them feel "maginalized" ...........
what is a 7en
2021-03-09 05:16:23 UTC
Post by %
Post by 7EN
Australia has forbidden describing people
as "pedophiles" ... might hurt their feelings,
make them feel "maginalized" ...........
what is a 7en
Two-thirds of the way to zen ... the perfect vantage
point from which to contemplate the universe :-)
2021-03-08 00:50:59 UTC
Post by 7EN
Australia has forbidden describing people
as "pedophiles" ... might hurt their feelings,
make them feel "maginalized" ...........
2021-03-08 05:23:20 UTC
Post by Ted
Post by 7EN
Australia has forbidden describing people
as "pedophiles" ... might hurt their feelings,
make them feel "maginalized" ...........
It was on DailyMail - Australian section - the other day.
2021-03-08 16:33:34 UTC
Post by 7EN
Post by Ted
Post by 7EN
Australia has forbidden describing people
as "pedophiles" ... might hurt their feelings,
make them feel "maginalized" ...........
It was on DailyMail - Australian section -
the other day.
Thanks ... very odd, from my pov.
2021-03-09 05:33:46 UTC
Post by Ted
Post by 7EN
Post by Ted
Post by 7EN
Australia has forbidden describing people
as "pedophiles" ... might hurt their feelings,
make them feel "maginalized" ...........
It was on DailyMail - Australian section -
the other day.
Thanks ... very odd, from my pov.
Just more "woke" insanity. Wouldn't want the baby-rapers
to feel bad about themselves, be "labled", after all ........

But for male state governors to even suggest something
grown adult women ... HORRIBLE !!! :-)

Now if the gov was female ... that's probably a great thing.

Basically, if it's against every norm and convention and
scrap of reason then it's GOOD. See how it works ?
If you can't beat The System outright, you corrupt and
destroy its foundations. Then you can take control of
the ash-heap. Victory !
2021-03-11 01:16:06 UTC
Post by 7EN
Post by Ted
Post by 7EN
Post by Ted
Post by 7EN
Australia has forbidden describing people
as "pedophiles" ... might hurt their feelings,
make them feel "maginalized" ...........
It was on DailyMail - Australian section -
the other day.
Thanks ... very odd, from my pov.
Just more "woke" insanity. Wouldn't want the baby-rapers
to feel bad about themselves, be "labled", after all ........
But for male state governors to even suggest something
grown adult women ... HORRIBLE !!! :-)
Now if the gov was female ... that's probably a great thing.
Basically, if it's against every norm and convention and
scrap of reason then it's GOOD. See how it works ?
If you can't beat The System outright, you corrupt and
destroy its foundations. Then you can take control of
the ash-heap. Victory !
I see what you mean.
