N Dakota Regulations Block New Wind Power
(too old to reply)
2021-02-28 04:25:15 UTC
North Dakota Officials Block Wind
Power In Effort To Save Coal
February 25, 2021
North Dakota has lots of coal. It
also has strong and consistent
winds. It might be the perfect spot
to showcase the long-awaited
"energy transition" from climate-
warming fossil fuels to climate-
saving renewables.
Eventually this will kill a whole bunch of feeble old rightwing North
Dakotians who are just bloodsuckers anyway.
Money DOES have certain uses ......

However the Texas experience with windmills figures
into this. Just when you need them most, they freeze up.

The Dakotas have a lot of wind energy potential, but it
has to be RELIABLE. Design fixes CAN be made. Only
then do you trust 10/20/50 percent of your energy
capacity to the things.

Anything else is mass murder.
2021-04-14 03:02:41 UTC
North Dakota Officials Block Wind
Power In Effort To Save Coal
February 25, 2021
Bad idea. Coal IS fading away (except in China).

Coal and oil companies need to get deeply into
alternatives NOW, while they still have the money.
They can become "energy companies", not tied to
any particular resource. There will still be uses for
coal, and especially petrochemicals, but the
equation is shifting away from the mass-consumption
model. Time for their accountants to tell the bosses
the truth about this.
North Dakota has lots of coal. It
also has strong and consistent
winds. It might be the perfect spot
to showcase the long-awaited
"energy transition" from climate-
warming fossil fuels to climate-
saving renewables.
Eventually this will kill a whole bunch of feeble old rightwing North
Dakotians who are just bloodsuckers anyway.
Great news!
The only "bloodsuckers" are the "free money" left.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-04-14 20:24:20 UTC
Post by aRobot
ing awa
Republican congressional aide Jeffrey Nielsen was arrested
for having sex with a 14-year old boy.
