CTV: Trump unqualified? Canadian P.M. was ELEMENTARY SCHOOL teacher!!!
(too old to reply)
2018-03-11 23:43:45 UTC
His latest "achievement" was instructing the RCMP on
gender-sensitivity. Please help us!!
And that's why you're a snowflake.
Trump was a pedophile and a rapist, before he was a reality TV host and then
President. Anything's possible in America, execpt for RichA having the vote
or a job there.
2018-03-14 23:48:36 UTC
Post by Trumpus
His latest "achievement" was instructing the RCMP on
gender-sensitivity. Please help us!!
And that's why you're a snowflake.
Trump was a pedophile and a rapist, before he was a reality TV host and then
President. Anything's possible in America, execpt for RichA having the vote
or a job there.
Thanks for the input, Trumpus.
2019-01-05 02:54:12 UTC
His latest "achievement" was instructing the RCMP on
gender-sensitivity. Please help us!!
And that's why you're a snowflake.
Trump was a pedophile and a rapist, before he was a reality TV host and then
President. Anything's possible in America, execpt for RichA having the vote
or a job there.
2019-08-28 21:35:24 UTC
His latest "achievement" was instructing the RCMP on
gender-sensitivity. Please help us!!
And that's why you're a snowflake.
Trump was a pedophile and a rapist, before he was a reality TV host and then
President. Anything's possible in America, execpt for RichA having the vote
or a job there.
2020-03-11 21:53:35 UTC
His latest "achievement" was instructing the RCMP on
gender-sensitivity. Please help us!!
And that's why you're a snowflake.
Trump was a pedophile and a rapist, before he was a reality TV host and then
President. Anything's possible in America, execpt for RichA having the vote
or a job there.
