Trump Has Hidden Proof of Governor and Secretary of State in Georgia Took Money From China (To Steal Election from Trump)
(too old to reply)
2021-03-01 05:37:20 UTC
Look ... "hidden" is NOT going to cut it. There is a precedent
in US elections - decide quickly, never leave it hanging forever.
The USSC took that approach with Bush-vs-Gore and with
Trump-vs-Biden as well as did the Congress way back when.
If you have "something", it had better be a damned GOOD
something and you had better present it loud and clear and
undebatable FAST.

Sure, there MAY have been a Vast Election Konspiracy - but
there was no airtight proof within the allotted period. Vast
konspiracies aren't usually that good, so it's pretty likely that
America had a disasterous brainfart and actually elected
Biden and his Marxist friends. Democracy CAN be suicidal.

So, if Trump comes up with something halfway decent in
six months or a year - he is NOT going to be the president.
It was decided. He's OUT.

Now fair proof of a Vast Konspiracy WILL be very useful
for the next elections. It can turn America against the left
in a very strong way. We don't like being cheated, we don't
like cheaters. Not so long ago they'd get a Derringer shot
in the belly under the poker table. Actually, that still happens
from time to time, there was a Florida case just last week,
a big rowl during a gambling session.

Of course in two years the left may have managed to purge
all the generals who are not ideological syncophants and
try to use the Army like in Myanmar ..... but we'll deal with
that possibility if it arises.
2021-03-01 07:38:24 UTC
Post by MegaWattz
Now fair proof of a Vast Konspiracy WILL be very useful
for the next elections. It can turn America against the left
in a very strong way.
Those who buy your "cheated" delusion are less than 30% of all voters
and that's not going to get Trump a second term (or the first term of
whatever loser Republicans decide is the next Trump).
Post by MegaWattz
Of course in two years the left may have managed to purge
all the generals who are not ideological syncophants and
try to use the Army like in Myanmar ..... but we'll deal with
that possibility if it arises.
Funny you should bring that up:

"Trump purges Pentagon leadership, 'something that should alarm all

2021-03-02 15:55:00 UTC
Post by MegaWattz
Of course in two years the left may have managed to purge
all the generals who are not ideological syncophants and
try to use the Army like in Myanmar .....
When have the Democrats ever "purged
all the generals"? As if that was even
