When Two-thirds Of Democrats Deny That Antifa Was Involved In The Assault On The Capitol, Selling The Base A Bogus Narrative About The Texas Electricity Disaster Is Practically Child's Play.
(too old to reply)
2021-04-17 18:23:21 UTC
"When Two-thirds Of Republicans Believe That Antifa Was Involved In The
Assault On The Capitol, Selling The Base A Bogus Narrative About The Texas
Electricity Disaster Is Practically Child's Play.
When Two-thirds Of Republicans Believe That Antifa Was Involved In The
Assault On The Capitol, Selling The Base A Bogus Narrative About The Texas
Electricity Disaster Is Practically Child's Play."
Of course it was Antifa, you stupid cunt....classic False Flag
op...Antifa insurrectionists carrying Trump banners and Battle Flags.
Why are rightists constantly being outwitted by leftists leaving you assholes
crying in your beer every time?
Sure rightists are fucking dumb, but the last year has been shit eating
stupid for righties.
Great point.
2021-04-17 22:57:12 UTC
"When Two-thirds Of Republicans Believe That Antifa Was Involved In The
Assault On The Capitol, Selling The Base A Bogus Narrative About The Texas
Electricity Disaster Is Practically Child's Play.
When Two-thirds Of Republicans Believe That Antifa Was Involved In The
Assault On The Capitol, Selling The Base A Bogus Narrative About The Texas
Electricity Disaster Is Practically Child's Play."
Of course it was Antifa, you stupid cunt....classic False Flag
op...Antifa insurrectionists carrying Trump banners and Battle Flags.
Why are rightists constantly being outwitted by leftists leaving you assholes
crying in your beer every time?
Sure rightists are fucking dumb, but the last year has been shit eating
stupid for righties.
Ask Biden about that border.
2021-05-19 09:59:18 UTC
"When Two-thirds Of Republicans Believe That Antifa Was Involved In The
Assault On The Capitol, Selling The Base A Bogus Narrative About The Texas
Electricity Disaster Is Practically Child's Play.
When Two-thirds Of Republicans Believe That Antifa Was Involved In The
Assault On The Capitol, Selling The Base A Bogus Narrative About The Texas
Electricity Disaster Is Practically Child's Play."
Of course it was Antifa, you stupid cunt....classic False Flag
op...Antifa insurrectionists carrying Trump banners and Battle Flags.
Why are rightists constantly being outwitted by leftists leaving you assholes
crying in your beer every time?
Sure rightists are fucking dumb, but the last year has been shit eating
stupid for righties.
