Huge Increase in Abortions After Texas Anti-abortion Law
(too old to reply)
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-06 02:00:41 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-06 22:25:33 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-07 00:35:46 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-07 15:54:14 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-07 16:20:31 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-08 01:05:45 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-08 12:48:38 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-09 13:23:17 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-10 12:42:38 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-10 14:12:22 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-11 18:34:59 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-11 19:01:08 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-12 14:27:18 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-12 23:40:57 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-13 10:05:15 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-14 13:24:07 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-15 17:36:45 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-16 15:29:30 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-18 02:18:09 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-19 14:34:13 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-19 19:20:53 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-19 23:13:52 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-20 18:47:32 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-21 22:10:32 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-22 20:52:38 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-23 02:33:46 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-24 01:06:07 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-24 02:26:40 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-25 19:54:43 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-26 17:10:33 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-28 21:39:22 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-28 23:45:44 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-29 00:33:43 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-29 13:58:17 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-29 14:25:41 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-29 16:40:37 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-30 14:42:41 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-30 19:38:04 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-30 23:53:48 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-31 16:52:43 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-03-31 18:38:52 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-01 13:53:33 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-02 23:12:58 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-03 11:26:47 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-03 17:11:05 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-03 22:38:16 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-04 12:48:32 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-04 15:26:29 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-04 18:01:03 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-04 21:14:17 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-04 23:06:25 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-05 12:26:14 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-06 01:58:54 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-06 12:29:04 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-06 18:37:57 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-07 01:48:14 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-07 20:11:35 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-08 01:46:13 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-08 22:21:33 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-09 12:50:28 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-09 22:01:17 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-10 13:06:48 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-10 21:33:32 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-04-11 10:57:09 UTC
So what was the point of the law again?
The number of Texas residents who traveled out-of-state to access
abortion care increased dramatically after the most restrictive abortion
ban in the U.S. went into effect in the state in September.
Driving the news: Newly released data shows that Planned Parenthood
health centers in Texas' surrounding states saw a nearly 800% increase in
patients from Texas between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile in Texas, the number of clinic abortions performed in the state
f ell by approximately 60% in the first month after Senate Bill 8 was
enacted .
Details: During the first four months of S.B. 8 being in effect, Planned
Oklahoma saw a nearly 2,500% increase in Texas patients compared to the
pre vious year.
Texans made up over half of the total number abortion patients in the
state 's PP health centers, compared to less than 10% in 2020.
New Mexico saw a 100% increase in patients with Texas zip codes.
In Colorado, there was a more than 1,000% increase in abortion patients
fro m Texas, "compared to previous years," according to the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Louisiana, another Texas neighboring state, saw an approximately 347%
incre ase in abortion patients from Texas after the ban took effect,
according to
official government numbers sent to Axios.
Between September and December of 2021, there were a total of 984 clinic
ab ortions conducted in the state for Texas residents. That same time in
Louisiana saw 220 Texas abortions patients.
Zoom in: A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Great Plains — which
covers Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas — told Axios that health cent
ers in those states saw more than 1,100 Texas patients from September to
De cember 2021, "the overwhelming majority traveling to our Oklahoma
health ce nters."
That same time in 2020, PPGP centers saw only 50 patients from Texas.
Additionally, between January and February of 2022, PPGP's "Oklahoma
clinic s continue to see more patients from Texas than are from
What they're saying: "S.B. 8 has forced Texans to travel extraordinary
dist ances to access constitutionally protected abortion care — and
that ’s only the people who are able to do so," Alexis McGill Johnson,
p resident of Planned Parenthood, said in a statement.
"Those who can’t find the money or get time off work, secure child
care, lodging, transportation, and other resources necessary to cross
lines are forced to carry pregnancies against their will or seek
outside of the health care system," she added.
"This reality is heartbreaking and a glimpse of what’s to come shou
ld the Supreme Court restrict the constitutional right to an abortion
even further,” she added.
"Planned Parenthood and other supporters of legal abortion have worked
over time to make the case that the Texas heartbeat law is not protecting
children, but simply causing Texas women to obtain abortions in other
es," said Michael New, a statistician and scholar with the Lozier
Institute , which works with the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion
rights group .
New called Planned Parenthood's data "unpersuasive" and added that S.B. 8
" has enjoyed success protecting preborn children in the Lone Star
How it works: The Texas ban effectively prohibits nearly all abortions as
s oon as embryonic cardiac activity is detected, which can be as early as
weeks into a pregnancy and before many people know they are pregnant.
The law does not have any exceptions in cases of rape or incest.
Between the lines: Texas and most of its neighboring states — speci
fically Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas — have "trigger laws" in p
lace, which are abortion bans that would kick in right away if the
Supreme Court overturns or weakens its precedents protecting reproductive
The ban follows a series of restrictive abortion laws passed by
conservativ e state legislatures nationwide in an effort to overturn Roe.
b 2a-4d8a-aa3c-e98c03c5ed1b.html
Greg Abbott has been cheated out of his harem of young black boys.