Truth about COVID-19
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2021-07-07 01:44:00 UTC
Keep drinking that koolaid cupcake.
Only assholes get vaccinated. Trump got it.
Trump got COVID-19 before there was even a vaccine. After he
recovered, he and his entire family got the vaccine shots.
The 600,000 plus all died of something else. We're gonna infect
everybody at Trump's rallies with COVID so they can be like Rand Paul
and avoid being vaccinated.
Darn, I hope Rand Paul never gets the vaccine!
2021-08-22 17:38:43 UTC
On Sun, 22 Aug 2021 17:21:00 -0000 (UTC), Stan Kowalski
We need these people out of the picture if they're too stupid/lazy to
get vaccinated for the betterment of society. Of course they're
overwhelmingly rightwingnuts but I'd say the same thing if they happened
to be progressives.
It's God's will. The Bible says killing rightists is the path to eternal
Jesus fucking hated them.
You don't believe in God so you are a liar.
2021-08-30 19:58:25 UTC
Let's hope they get deathly sick and die sooner rather than later if
what they claim is true, the unvaccinated are the only reason new cases
of this virus are still appearing and the mutations if given enough time
are eventually going to threaten even the vaccinated.
Vaccinations have been killing Evangelicals because they doubt God.
Catholics are dying because, well, they're fucking Mick scumballs.
Catholics in Ohio are doing well.
I don't know where you are referring to.
We don need no stinkin masks.
