Biden calls gun violence 'national health crisis'; Harris says 'past time' for new gun control
(too old to reply)
2020-12-19 21:50:36 UTC
Guns are just another effective tool for killing Americans. How can
they be to blame? There are better ones, automobiles for instance.
Lately COVID 19 is doing a great job, assuming it's a tool as Trump
At least Americans don't need to travel to 3rd world shitholes to be
shot, they can be shot anywhere in the USA, any day of the week, any
hour of the day! That's why everybody wants to be an American and
even more important, it's what the Framers wanted!
Not sure if you've travelled much, but a fair bit of America is a 3rd world
2021-01-03 16:46:56 UTC
I was not aware that rocks engaged in that sort of behavior.
Shooting Americans with assault style weapons is the best thing to happen to
the USA since the invention of sliced bread.
How can we possibly fight Tyrants who want to subvert our electoral college
and lie all the time if we didn't have guns to threaten and kill them with?
It shows Biden is mentally challenged.... because there is no gun
violence just violence from humans.

NO matter the tool they use it's still humans committing the violence.

When a Bridge collapses and kills people it's NOT violence but they did
die and it is no more peaceful than a knife or gun being used to kill
them. The obvious reality is that the knife the gun nor the BRIDGE were
violent, it was the people using them to kill that were violent.

The Disney personification of human emotion onto inanimate objects like
knives guns bridges and more is a ridiculous and childish view of reality.
That's Karma

162 - We don't have a militia to guarantee that we can have guns, we
have guns to guarantee that we will always have a militia. -BMUS-
2021-01-14 03:45:25 UTC
I was not aware that rocks engaged in that sort of behavior.
Shooting Americans with assault style weapons is the best thing to happen to
the USA since the invention of sliced bread.
Almost none of the shootings involve "assault-style weapons".
Those get the most press, of course, but the highest volume of
shootings by far involve regular gangstas using totally mundane
guns (and increasingly knives and such). The killings in the cities
almost never involve rednecks or 'assault' rifles - they are the
result of many years of neglecting the gang problems. Rivalries
'solved' by deadly violence became the norm, and then the locals
wrote music about it and the left promoted/sold it.

But then that is the Truth. Likely it does not fit your agenda.
2021-03-29 12:47:07 UTC
Guns are just another effective tool for killing Americans.
Key word being "tool".

A tool only does what the person holding it has it do.

Maybe you need to do something about the person(s) who would misuse such

Indeed doing so has been proven to be far more effective than any gun
control ever imposed.
2021-05-24 17:44:47 UTC
How can we possibly fight Tyrants who want to subvert our electoral college
and lie all the time if we didn't have guns to threaten and kill them with?
The same ones killing our nation off?

