False Equivalency Between Black Lives Matter And The Violent Rightwing Pro-Trump Capitol Siege: Experts, Advocates
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2021-08-15 17:14:04 UTC
On Sun, 15 Aug 2021 16:21:05 -0000 (UTC), "Alex Krycek !"
False equivalency between Black Lives Matter and Capitol siege: Experts,
Comparisons are "absurd," they said.
Of course they are. The large majority of BLM protests last summer were
burning, looting and shooting.
You are finally right Rudy.
BLM dominated Trump in the election, so there is a false equivalency because
the seditious radical rightwing violent Trump supporters did no such thing to
Biden. And now, with the ongoing GOP civil war, the right will be in
disgraceful defeat for the next 20 years.
All BLM dominated was walmarts and liquor stores.
2021-08-15 20:26:57 UTC
On Sun, 15 Aug 2021 16:21:05 -0000 (UTC), "Alex Krycek !"
False equivalency between Black Lives Matter and Capitol siege: Experts,
Comparisons are "absurd," they said.
Of course they are. The large majority of BLM protests last summer were
burning, looting and shooting.
You are finally right Rudy.
BLM dominated Trump in the election, so there is a false equivalency because
the seditious radical rightwing violent Trump supporters did no such thing to
Biden. And now, with the ongoing GOP civil war, the right will be in
disgraceful defeat for the next 20 years.
Don't hold yer breath.
Both the house and senate will turn GOP if things keep going as they
are now. They just have to come up with a new leader for the party.
Biden and harris have failed miserably.
You should stick to praising Catholocizm where priest lure and rape children.
Do you feel better now?
