So Biden doesn't have a newsgroup?
(too old to reply)
Rudy C
2021-02-08 17:46:36 UTC
On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 16:53:16 -0000 (UTC), Bill Amyotte
What "free stuff"? You pay for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and
any other "stuff". Go find another made up slogan.
It's feeble old rightist christian bloodsuckers refusing to pay their way
that got us into the Trump debt mess in the first place.
We work for ours you welfare baby.
2021-02-08 19:20:07 UTC
What "free stuff"? You pay for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and
any other "stuff". Go find another made up slogan.
It's feeble old rightist christian bloodsuckers refusing to pay their way
that got us into the Trump debt mess in the first place.
Are you sure it wasn't Democrat Governors that shut down their economy
that got into the mess.
That's karma

Banning guns and de-funding police won't lower crime if you follow the
Democrats Rhetoric. *And their very own Democrat actions confirm* that
even *they believe they're lying* since they're doing the opposite *to*
*reduce any crimes "you" might commit against the Government* that they
control and apparently they *believe guns and fences and police* *will*
*protect* them from your crime and violence. So why won't those same
things protect you from crime and violence?
2021-04-30 10:00:08 UTC
On Fri, 30 Apr 2021 04:09:53 -0000 (UTC), Bill Amyotte
What "free stuff"? You pay for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and
any other "stuff". Go find another made up slogan.
It's feeble old rightist christian bloodsuckers refusing to pay their way
that got us into the Trump debt mess in the first place.
Conservatives are very willing to help the weak and weary.
We don't wish to carry the lazy.
