Biella, Italy has ordered the seizure of nearly 400,000 AstraZeneca vaccines and opened a manslaughter investigation
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Bobbie Sellers
2021-03-24 01:09:34 UTC
The prosecutor of Biella, Italy has ordered the seizure of nearly
400,000 AstraZeneca vaccines and opened a manslaughter investigation
following the death of a 57-year-old man hours after being inoculated.
There have now been several deaths in Italy.
"Stefano Paterno, a healthy 43-year-old Navy officer was excited
to finally get his AstraZeneca vaccine at his naval base in Sicily
last week, according to his family. So was Davide Villa, 50, a
police officer who got his shot two weeks ago.
"As members of the security forces, they both qualified for the
AstraZeneca shot, which they were both given from the same
batch: Lot ABV2856, which was administered on the island
of Sicily.
"BOTH MEN ARE NOW DEAD: Paterno died a few hours after
he received his inoculation this week, and Villa died 12 days
after his."
Thus far the only deaths have been a few million Christians, so what's the
point in stopping the roll out.
Only a few million Christians? I think many Chinese who are not
Christians died as well.
Checking briefly online I found numbers that indicate people are dying
at rates
commensurate with their population regardless of their professed religion.
In Canada, anti-vaxxers are being hunted, locked up and starved to death in
cages with the overwhelming support of the people. It won't be long before
the same happens in Europe, the USA and the UK..
And do you have a reference for that particularly outrageous claim?
If it was true we would be joining the Canadians in this sensible
activity but
instead we find that the Canadian Anti-Vaccine forces seem to thriving
filing law suits against Justin Trudea and in
the past have gotten cities to avoid compulsory vaccination of school

You might want to look at this URL which examines most vaccines.

bliss- - “Nearly any fool can use a Linux computer. Many do.” After all
here I am...
Bobbie Sellers
2021-03-24 01:14:18 UTC
When did you get your second dose?
If we're to beat COVID, we need to round up the anti-vaxxers and kill every
last one because they are the cause of all the problems and must bear
That certainly seems rather extreme. Just vaccinate yourself and your
loved ones and let the damned die out from the diseases that
are returning because of their stance.

This is a TV show with textual transcription. It is from

bliss dash SF 4 ever at dslextreme dot com
Andrew W
2021-03-24 01:42:34 UTC
When did you get your second dose?
If we're to beat COVID, we need to round up the anti-vaxxers and kill every
last one because they are the cause of all the problems and must bear
Haha. You haven't a clue what you're talking about. I have to assume that
you're posting humour.
