Tennessee Who Served as Nazi Camp Guard Is Deported to Germany
(too old to reply)
2021-03-03 04:55:55 UTC
Those former East German soldiers who shot and often killed East Germans
trying to escape the Iron Curtain or Berlin Wall seem to have been
given a pass by Merkel and Nazi hunters for their murderous ways. No
deportations from Canada or the U.S. for them, since they murdered
ordinary Germans rather than Jews.
Despite the whining of son-in-law Jewish Jared, Trump refused to prosecute or
deport nazis because he's a firm believe that there is good in all of them
and major potential to boost his base and donations.
Sieg Heil!
He considers them "special" and he loves them.
Susan Cohen
2021-04-18 14:25:15 UTC
On Sat, 17 Apr 2021 15:14:34 -0000 (UTC), Gunner
Those former East German soldiers who shot and often killed East Germans
trying to escape the Iron Curtain or Berlin Wall seem to have been
given a pass by Merkel and Nazi hunters for their murderous ways. No
deportations from Canada or the U.S. for them, since they murdered
ordinary Germans rather than Jews.
Despite the whining of son-in-law Jewish Jared, Trump refused to prosecute or
deport nazis because he's a firm believe that there is good in all of them
and major potential to boost his base and donations.
Sieg Heil!
It's time for the jews to stop whining. The war's been over 76 years
now, get over it! Nobody gives a shit.
