Stupid Orangutan Trump Is Begging For The 25th Amendment
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Rudy Crayola
2021-03-08 04:41:56 UTC
| 700,000 ballots were not allowed to be viewed in
| Philadelphia and Pittsburgh which means, based on our great
| Constitution, we win the State of Pennsylvania!
And all the Trumplings are like, "Okay by me."
He clearly needs to hone his expertise on the subject. The Constitution says
that may give Trump the Presidency, but only after he's hung by the neck in a
noose for 3 hours and his ass his been raped by a shotgun barrell.
Apparently the sock puppet Carl has been sniffing his sisters Vagina again.
2021-03-08 05:47:03 UTC
The 25th is for JOE .... Trump was right about that.
His fringe-left associates are chomping at the bit
to throw him in a ditch and take over everything.
